Partner Visa

Partner Migration allows an Australian citizen, Australian permanent resident or eligible New Zealand citizen to sponsor their overseas partner to enter and remain in Australia on the basis of a marriage, a prospective marriage or a de facto relationship. The prospective marriage visa allows the applicant to enter and remain in Australia for nine (9) months from the date the visa is granted. Within the nine (9) month period, the applicant and sponsor must be married and also need to apply for the onshore partner visa. The partner visa is granted initially as a two (2) years temporary partner visa. At the end of the two (2) years period, a permanent partner visa will be granted if the relationship is still continuing. To qualify for any of the partner visas, amongst other things, you need to show that the relationship is genuine and continuing and there is a mutual commitment between the partners to a shared life as husband and wife (or the equivalent) to the exclusion of all others. Obtaining a partner visa can be quiet strenuous and difficult, and required diligence and expertise, At Pirouz migration we specialize in doing partner visas and possess the knowledge from many years of experience. You can be assured that your loved ones are in good hands. Partner Visa Onshore Partner Visa Offshore Partner Visa Prospective Marriage Visa



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